You're finally married! All those long months of planning, tastings, fittings, crying, and dinners are all behind you (jumps for joy). Now you finally get to enjoy your marriage.
Buh-bye, stress.
Not quite. There's one more thing you may need to do before riding blissfully into your sweatpants with your sweetie for some well deserved r & r.

According to's data, 80 percent of brides still choose to change their names after the wedding, both professionally and legally. But, we have seen an overall decline in that number, as our survey results from 2009 show that 86 percent of brides changed their last names post-wedding.
So, are you one of the 80% who is changing, or even hyphenating their last name?
If not, proceed to the aforementioned sweatpants and whatever show you may be binging.
But if so, there are a few things you'll need to do:
You'll start by making sure you have a certified marriage license.
Then, head to the social security office in your area (make sure to get there early!) to change your social security card(s).
Once you've got your new social security card in hand- head to the DMV (I know, I know- another early rise and long wait) to update your license.
Finally, head over to the bank and change your name on your bank accounts.
Once the three (3) major forms of ID have been changed, you can go ahead and change your names on payroll, bills and credit cards, member or rewards cards, at the post office, schools, doctors, and last but certainly not least, your passports!
Oh, and if you haven't done so, now is also a good time to send out all your thank you's
(bring em to the post office while your there to change you name- 2 birds, 1 stone).